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Open Sourcing:

Community-based Knowledge in the Built Environment


Industrial revolution must be questioned in terms of its connectiveness to human. Since the first industrial revolution, human have begun to be replaced by machine and technology. Their living area have changed from rural into urban area. They are connected more than ever to the other side of the world, either physically or digitally. Yet at some point, these industrial revolutions seem to have lost “touch” of humanity. Industrial revolutions have always been about what and how industry and economic activity are developed while society is seen as the affected ones.


The 4th industrial revolution, where data exchange and automation work as its center, have introduced cyber-physical systems, Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, and cognitive computing which made openness possible in many aspects of information.  The society itself, on its 4th industrial revolution, have reached a new milestone known as Society 5.0. Today, we are moving beyond the information society where people live side by side with technology. This society of the future will be one in which values and services are created continuously. Human is the user as well as a part of the dynamics.


This shifting has also affected the built environment we live in today. Architects and experts are no longer seen as decision maker. Instead, they have a new role as knowledge disseminator. The works they made is no longer valued on how the building looks or works, but on what value and benefit it brings to the society. A newly introduced value and benefit will become a new knowledge and thus the architecture itself revolves. Architects, designer, as well as architectural researcher and educator have become key players in this movement. The architects and designers have an opportunity to advance the usage of knowledge to create a more comfortable and sustainable design. Meanwhile, researchers and educators will have a role in developing knowledge they gain from the architects and community.


The AR+DC 2019 with theme Open-Sourcing: Community-Based Knowledge in the Built Environment invites academics, researchers, and students to exchange their knowledge. This will be a medium where current theories, design methods and researches on this field are discussed.


Human-centered Design in Society 5.0

Partnership, Participation and Collaboration

Internet of Things and Openness in Design


Architectural theory

Keywords: pragmatism, semiotic language, hybrid language, Theoretical approaches & discourses, etc


Architecture research

Keywords: vernacular architecture, traditional architecture, architecture & urbanism, local architecture, eco-architecture, housing and human settlement design, etc


Architecture method

Keywords: transformation, contemporary idioms, digital design, narrative, diagrammatic approach, contextual approach, community based design, programmatic approach, evidence-based, etc


Architecture design

Keywords: contemporary vernacular design, creative design thinking, decode, manifesto, interpretation, reconstruction, etc

Architecture education

Keywords: exploration, utopian design model studio, concept-test model studio, digital design model studio, survey analysis design model studio, etc


Architecture practice

Keywords: pragmatism, trial & error, phenomenology, case-based, etc

Abstract & Paper

  • Abstract and paper must be written in English, and will be selected by blind peer reviewers.

  • Guide for authors is available in this website.

  • All accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation in the conference. Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS indexed proceeding.


Researchers and professionals are invited to publish their work through poster presentation, especially those related to participatory design and community-related process. Works with other approach/method are also welcome. All posters must be preceded with abstract of max. 300 words.

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