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E-Conference Procedures

A. Keynotes’ and Presenters' Presentation

  1. Keynote and presenters' presentations will be held through Zoom webinar session on November 2 and 3, 2021 (the schedule will be announced soon).

  2. Meeting ID and password for the Zoom webinar session will be emailed later to each presenter and participants.

  3. If until D-1 Webinar you do not receive the meeting ID and password, please contact the committee (  


B. Procedures for Presenters 

  1. Please upload your PowerPoint presentation file (mandatory) in PDF file format through your Easychair account. Please follow the same steps as you submit your full paper. Thus, information about authors, abstract, title, and keyword should be added.

  2. The presentation file/s should be submitted/uploaded to the system no later than November 1, 2021. please access the link for PowerPoint and Video guidelines.

The whole submission process is done via Easychair (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration.


C. Full paper Submission Guideline

  1. The full paper and revised full paper should be submitted/uploaded to the Easychair.

  2. Only the papers written in English will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published before and should not be under consideration for publication anywhere else. 

  3. Full-paper must contain the following structure: Introduction, Literature Review (optional), Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (optional), and References.

  4. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words, and should not contain any references. Keywords. 3-5 keywords must be included on a separate line below the main abstract. Avoid keywords already used in the title to optimize searching.

  5. Articles must be a minimum of 2,500 words to a maximum of 8,000 words or approx. to 10-12 pages. Word counts include text, references, figures, and tables. Each figure or table should be considered equal to 300 words.

  6. Font should be Times New Roman 10pt for main text and 9pt titles of tables and figures. 

  7. Main Heading (title of the paper) 16pt, bold. First-degree titles (2.) should be written left aligned, all caps and bold. Second and 3rd-degree subtitles (2.1, 2.1.1) should be written left aligned, italic. 

  8. All Illustrations, including figures and tables, must be professionally rendered and suitable for reproduction. Words, numbers, and symbols should be large and clear enough to remain legible when the figure is reduced to column width (approx. 8 cm). Each table should have a brief, concise title, and indicate units clearly.

  9. All sources must be cited in the reference list and the main text with a minimum of 15 references. Please adjust the citation style to the reference format in the proceeding template. We highly recommend the use of Mendeley. You can cite references and create bibliographies in Word using the Mendeley word processor plug-in.

  10. The articles that are submitted for publication in English need to go through proofreading and editing before being sent for a blind review and after a positive peer-review.

  11. Plagiarism checks using the software are necessary. Manuscripts with a score of >10% on the similarity index will be rejected (with evidence attached).

  12. Full paper must be written according to Paper Template.

  13. Full-paper/s must be revised according to the reviewer's comments. 

  14. Please note that the revision version of your full paper will be the final version of the paper (including author name/s, etc.) to be submitted to the publisher unless there are changes made by editor/s to improve the quality of the paper.

  15. The author instructions and full paper template can be downloaded from the web page.


Department of Architecture

Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 


Campus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya, 60111


Phone/fax : +62 31 5924301

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